Promise for June 24
Dear family,
Let us step into this new month with the promise of God from 1 Kings 11: 12
[12] But for the sake of your father, David, I will not do this while you are still alive. I will take the kingdom away from your son.
To understand the context, let’s read the previous verses.
1 Kings 11:9-12 NLT
[9] The Lord was very angry with Solomon, for his heart had turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice.
[10] He had warned Solomon specifically about worshiping other gods, but Solomon did not listen to the Lord’s command.
[11] So now the Lord said to him, “Since you have not kept my covenant and have disobeyed my decrees, I will surely tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your servants.
[12] But for the sake of your father, David, I will not do this while you are still alive. I will take the kingdom away from your son.
Because of David, the Lord's anger towards Solomon did not tear His Kingdom apart. Our God is a covenant keeping God. Though Solomon deserves God's wrath, the covenant and the promise that he made with David stopped the wrath of God in Solomon’s life.
Because of you, God is going to turn around things in this month of June.
Solomon had everything in his life. One of the lessons that we need to learn and remember from the life of Solomon is that nothing in our lives should blind ourselves to experience God on a daily basis. Nothing should become greater than the presence of God. The more he prospers you, the more you must be in His presence. The more He blesses us, the more we should be faithful to Him.
Always remember the covenant that God established with us through Jesus Christ. Because of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven, we are righteous, we are made to be holy. We are His sons and daughters.
Since He is in you, because of you, the doors will be opened. Because of you, your family will be saved. Because of you, your spouse will be touched by the power of the Lord. Because of you, there's a protection. Because of you, miracles will flow. Because of you, your family is blessed. His covenant with you is so powerful. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Stay blessed.