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Promise for August 24

Dear Church,

Let's step into this new month with His promises from Philippians 4:19 NKJV

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Many times, we set our limits according to our standards and knowledge, but the scripture says, according to His riches. May God give us rich thoughts and faith in every aspect of our lives.

Let's look at the example from the life of Abraham.

Genesis 22:1 NKJV

Now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.

If you are tested by God, you can be trusted by God

Always remember that God can test your faith, but God doesn't test your holiness. That's devils work.

When your faith is tested, set your standards richly in God.

Genesis 22:8 NLT

[8] “God will provide a sheep for the burnt offering, my son,” Abraham answered. And they both walked on together.

Abraham spoke a language of faith when his son Isaac asked him, "Where is the sheep for the burnt offering?"

He said the Lord will provide instead of blabbering or speaking negatively.

May you speak a language of faith in Jesus' name!

Genesis 22:14 NLT

[14] Abraham named the place Yahweh-Yireh (which means “the Lord will provide”). To this day, people still use that name as a proverb: “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.”

You will experience the dimension of our God as Jehovah-Jireh in this month of August. He is your provider.

May the Lord supply all of your financial needs, emotional needs, spiritual needs, and psychological needs in Jesus' name!.

Genesis 22:13

Then Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught by its horns in a thicket. So he took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering in place of his son.

May God open up your eyes to see what the Lord has already prepared for you.

As Abraham found the ram, May your eyes locate the right door, right opportunity, right person in this month in Jesus' name!

Start to praise him in the midst of all your needs. You will experience the dimension of Jehovah-Jireh.

Stay blessed and prospered.


Ps. Sam.


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