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Our Worship

“………..We make it a point that worship is WORTH-SHIP”


Blessing AG Gurgaon strive towards refreshing, restoring and reinforcing the inner man through our vibrant worship. The power of praise can do the impossible things. We BAG family love to worship from our heart not just the words of our mouth.


Points to think….

  • Why did Moses S.I.N.G, when Israel is redeemed from the hands of Pharaoh?

  • Why did her sister Miriam S.I.N.G, in the same occasion?

  • Why did David write 150 songs? What did he S.I.N.G,  even in times of dismay, hopelessness, death?

  • Why did the angels S.I.N.G  when Christ was to be born?

  • Why did Mary S.I.N.G?

  • Why did Christ with his disciples S.I.N.G, before his crucifixion?

  • Why did Paul advise to engage is hymns? 

  • How come all martyrs even at the point of death S.I.N.G?     

You know why? Because every time we S.I.N.G,


Strength In us Newly Generates.

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