
Our Worship
“………..We make it a point that worship is WORTH-SHIP”
Blessing AG Gurgaon strive towards refreshing, restoring and reinforcing the inner man through our vibrant worship. The power of praise can do the impossible things. We BAG family love to worship from our heart not just the words of our mouth.
Points to think….
Why did Moses S.I.N.G, when Israel is redeemed from the hands of Pharaoh?
Why did her sister Miriam S.I.N.G, in the same occasion?
Why did David write 150 songs? What did he S.I.N.G, even in times of dismay, hopelessness, death?
Why did the angels S.I.N.G when Christ was to be born?
Why did Mary S.I.N.G?
Why did Christ with his disciples S.I.N.G, before his crucifixion?
Why did Paul advise to engage is hymns?
How come all martyrs even at the point of death S.I.N.G?
You know why? Because every time we S.I.N.G,
Strength In us Newly Generates.

Youth Meet
Jolly life but Holy life
Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, Eccles 12:1
UHOP Youth Fellowship jams every Sunday noon after the worship. Trying never to be monologue rather our youth leader comes up with varieties. We are more practical than the traditional meet. As a team, we hang out occasionally to food courts, parks, Barbecues, etc…to reinforce our fellowship and to open up ourselves to throw away the self-centeredness to become Christ-oriented youths.
We discuss on various issues face by us in day to day lives and help one another to see through Biblical perspective and to live with the Biblical principles. We learn to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit for any solution we look for. We thrive to be a prayer warriors so that we can evangelize and spread the Good News to the World and take forward the Great Commission that the Lord Gave us.(Mathew 28:19 - Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,)
Besides, UHOP youth team goes out for a Jericho walk, also club in different location to pray for the youths of this nation. We strongly believe our prayers will impact the young lives of this city and our nation too. We welcome you to join us in our youth fellowship.
“Today’s youth is tomorrow’s leader”.

Teen's Meet
“Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity”. I Timothy 4:12
The “Vision” of the TEENS MEET is to give a platform/hub for the teens to express their emotions, worries, anxieties, questions freely without being Shy or Judgmental.
Teens Meet inspires the teens to be in “SYNC with Christian Faith & Build Relationship with JESUS”. We enable them to have fellowship with other teens, exchange their viewpoint on different challenges they face, solutions, debates & Prayer.
As Christians professing your faith is tough & ridiculed by others at times. It’s not easy to walk the talk when most of the thing around you seems to be pulling you on the WRONG PATH… We encourage the teens to STAND STRONG on Christian principles/fundamentals & proudly proclaim ourselves as “AMBASADORS/ DISCIPLES OF CHRIST” .
We Worship... We Discuss.. We play Games ..We have Bible study… We have Solutions & We uphold each other Prayer…
If you are looking for a COOOL place to UNWIND yourself, express your creative genius, seek & enjoy the presence of the LIVING TRUE GOD....THEN COME JOIN US & BE THE WINNER OF ALL CIRCUMSTANCES.

Coffee Fellowship
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path (Psalm 119:105)
Each Friday night at 7.30 p.m. for an hour and a half we gather to study the Scriptures and systematically work through the books of the Bible, learning the spiritual truths of the scriptures. Our Senior Pastor.Rev.Sam Sundar conducts the bible study in an interactive manner, encouraging every person to share thoughts and perspectives and contribute to the discussion.
These discussions have enriched the members to understand how to study bible, biblical truths and know how these truths could be applied to our modern day lives. It is most important and needed that we as believers should be aware of the biblical truths to stand firm for Jesus in these days.
The coffee fellowship are also an opportunity for the believers and new seekers of God to ask questions, comment and take insight from all who are present over any verse or topic for the blessing of all who participate.
We welcome anyone who is looking to learn about Jesus and his teachings to join the group and participate in the coffee fellowship and discussions.
May God Bless You!

Kids Hub
“Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14;
Children are a gift from the Lord. In Sunday School, they learn to love and value themselves and others around them; as well as to know, love, and receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour at a young age.
UHOP Sunday School provides excellent instruction for children while parents attend the Church service. Teachers take them through action songs, fun-filled, Bible-based, interactive curriculum to teach God’s Word step by step.
From toddlers to teens, everyone enjoys Sunday School because there is no pressure in this school to perform. On the other hand, there is a wonderful acceptance of each child’s individuality and identity in Christ.
Vacation Bible School
Once in a year, during the summer holidays we gather them for 7-10 days. Teach them about God with a well-designed module, Action songs, Skit, Songs and Funny activities.
Come on Kiddos….Let’s chill out.
Sunday School Timings
1st Service – 10:00am
2nd Service – 11:45am

Womens Meet
“Thriving towards perfection through prayer….”
Universal House of Prayer(UHOP) understands the need of the hour and encourages the women’s fellowship. God’s greater purpose for the spirit-filled women in the church is to be the backbone for the Kingdom’s establishment and to their own families as well. We catch up every Wednesday in different locations to come together for the quality time of prayer and discussions.
In the past years, we have discussed under various useful topics for our spiritual nourishment and families betterment. Few series of discussions impacted our lives are “The role of a praying woman”, “The role as a praying parent”, “Obtaining the fruits of the Holy Spirit”. BAG women try hard not to abandon with the mere discussions, rather taking a leap to apply it to have a transformed lives and God-prioritised families.
Someone said, “God’s hand moves the world, but our prayer moves God’s hand”. We totally believe the aforesaid saying and we pray together. Having the jotted down prayer needs, we name it and we claim it in the name of Jesus. Greater testimonies have been an outcome of these prayers. Blessing AG Church women thrive to be a prayer warrior to see unimaginable things which are yet to come.
God Bless.

Fasting Prayer
“So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and fasting”.
“God Bless India” is the heart cry of Universal House of Prayer
Prayer plays a vital role in transforming our lives and drawing closer to the Lord. We UHOP families gather every Friday morning with fasting and bring the prayers and petitions for different needs to the Lord. We spend quality time in prayer for our nation, for our city, for our Church and other needs of the hour.

Discipleship Training
In association with TAFTEE Universal House of Prayer in Gurgaon offers Foundational Level Course.
We look at this course more than the academic, what we load up into our heads, we push hard to our hearts to live accordingly. It is designed to help the believers to grow in their spiritual life and ministry as well. The course covers the life and ministry of Jesus Christ in Six Parts. We have two different batches gather for the group discussions. One is on Friday and the other is on Sunday in two different languages.
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